By Barbara Aho
In July of 1999, the Messianic Jewish Association of America [MJAA] sponsored the Messiah'99 conference in conjunction with the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance [YMJA] and the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues. The conference speakers included Rick Joyner of MorningStar Ministries, Stephen Strang, editor of ‘Charisma’ Magazine and Stephen Katz, a recruiter for Jews for Jesus. Rick Joyner’s prophecy revealed the divine plan for a "Revolution in the Church” and the need for Messianic Jews to help reform the Church. Revolution is not a new subject for this modern prophet, but the venue of Joyner’s latest prophecy of a revolution in the Church is revealing. Compare:
The Harvest [Dec. 1989]: "What is about to come upon the earth is not just a revival, or another awakening; it is a veritable revolution. The vision was given in order to begin to awaken those who are destined to radically change the course, and even the very definition of Christianity. The dismantling of organizations and disbanding of some works will be a positive and exhilarating experience for the Lord's faithful servants. A great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phineas." [1]
Messiah '99: “I believe if you become like the Church something is lost. Listen, there’s a whole lot that the Church, believe me, I really believe there must be a revolution. I don’t believe the Church is anything close to what we’re called to be either. I’m speaking as a member of the Church. I believe I have the right to say that. . .There is a revolution going on in the Church too. Believe me something awesome is taking place. There are rumblings going on. I mean there’s one thing to have a revival and that’s wonderful. But we‘re talking about a revolution. We’re talking about the Reformation isn’t over. The Reforming. I believe it’s just beginning in many ways. And you know what? We can look and say it took 500 years for the Reformation to do this much and that isn’t much.” [2]
When Rick Joyner initially prophesied a Revolution in the Church, he spoke of dismantling present Church structures. However, [we assume] God had not yet revealed to him the nature of this revolution and the course it would take, or “what” the Church would become in the aftermath. Now, it has pleased God to make that direction clear to his prophet, Joyner, who has confided his vision of the New Church and how to get there to the assembly of Messianic Jews.
Not privy to the heavenly revelations received by the anointed company of the modern prophets, the average Christian is left to speculate as to the nature of the New Church. However, there are important clues scattered along the path of the various movements afoot indicating what we may expect, as well as the drastic measures that will be taken to move the sheep out of their comfortable pasture onto an unfamiliar terrain. This series of reports will examine the seemingly varied and diverse heretical streams on the Christian landscape and locate the final point where, incredibly, all will converge in a religious system that represents the IDEAL of each one. In "Paradigm Shifts for the 21st Century", Jim Goll of Ministry to the Nations describes this convergence as The Great Revolution:
"A convergence of the ages shall come upon us. The anointing of the Pentecostal Fire, the Healing and Deliverance Crusades, the Latter Rain Presence, the Evangelical Burden for the Lost, the Charismatic Giftings, the Third Wave Credibility, the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement and the relational networking of the Apostolic Reformation shall all merge together into a tidal wave that will eclipse the impact of reformation of 500 years ago and create what could be called The Great Revolution.
"The Lord will give the church an opportunity to re-write her stained and spotted history. Radical deeds of identificational repentance, acts of mercy to the poor and the oppressed, presence and power encounters to the sick and the demonized, warrior praise and intercession arising over cities will mount as a Revolution comes upon the global body of Christ and creating a great societal awakening! If history books are written of the years that lie ahead, they might be termed The Days of His Glorious Presence."
In "The Harvest," Rick Joyner disclosed that in the forthcoming revolution an "army" will remove those -- labeled stumbling blocks -- who refuse the unity teachings of the modern prophets. According to Joyner, “. . .to remove the stumbling blocks . . . a great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phinehas.”. After this revolution in the Church, “very young Christians will be pastoring large bodies of believers”:
". . .Some pastors and leaders who continue to resist this tide of unity will be removed from their place. Some will become so hardened they will become opposers and resist God to the end. Most will be changed and will repent of their resistance. . . . There will be many 'stumbling blocks' circulating in the Church that will cause confusion and some destruction from time to time. They will perceive themselves as prophets sent to judge and deliver. Those serving in leadership must trust their discernment and remove the stumbling blocks.
"To be distinguished from the 'stumbling blocks,' a great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phinehas. Just as the son of Eleazar could not tolerate iniquity in the camp of the Lord, this 'ministry of Phinehas' will save congregations, and at times even whole nations from the plagues that will be sweeping the earth. They will be moved by the jealousy of the Lord for the purity of His people. They will be sent to save and preserve the work of the Lord, not tear down, as the stumbling blocks do. . . Huge masses of people will be streaming to the Lord, the inflow so great in places that very young Christians will be pastoring large bodies of believers. Arenas and stadiums will overflow nightly as the believers come together to hear the apostles and teachers.
". . .Extraordinary miracles will be common while those considered great today will be performed almost without notice by young believers. Angelic appearances will be common to the saints and a visible glory of the Lord will appear upon some for extended periods of time as power flows through them. . . .Those in leadership will be the most humble of all. When anyone presumes leadership without calling, it will be apparent to all.
"This harvest will be so great that no one will look back at the early Church as a standard; all will be saying that the Lord has certainly saved His best wine for last. The early Church was a firstfruits offering; truly this will be a harvest! It was said of the Apostle Paul that he was turning the world upside down; it will be said of the apostles soon to be anointed that they have turned an upside down world right side up. Nations will tremble at the mention of their name. . ." [3]
Another modern prophet of Rick Joyner’s caliber is Bob Jones (not to be confused with Bob Jones III, president of Bob Jones University). Jones was one of the Kansas City Prophets before becoming involved in an indiscretion, after which John Wimber of the Vineyard Fellowship forgave Jones, allowed him to continue ministry and adopted the Kansas City Church into the Vineyard. Bob Jones taught that God was preparing a "special breed" comprised of young people up to the age of thirty. In his book, Blessing the Church?, Clifford Hill wrote of Jones’ confidence that this younger generation will “take control of the world and present the kingdom to Christ on his return.”
"Jones believed that the generation of children born since 1973 would form the final generation of believers whom God was preparing as the Bride of Christ to take control of the world and present the kingdom to Christ on his return. He [Jones] continued, 'I do believe what he's beginning to do is a restoration of his very nature down here. Your children will come behind you and they'll start on your level of righteousness and holiness and they'll take off from there.'"[4]
Pioneer of the Latter Rain Revival, Paul Cain, described the supernatural powers that will distinguish the new breed, -- a "dreadful, fearful army of champions.”
"God's strange act is going to bring a new order of things and bring a new breed in and bring a transformation."
"Little children are going to lay their hands on the sick and heal multitudes . . .We are going to be just like the Lord. . .They're going to say, 'Here comes that dreadful, fearful army of champions. Here comes those with a word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, the working of miracles, with a healing ministry, with the power to heal the sick and raise the dead, with the power to know what's going on behind the Iron Curtain.' You're really going to be a fearsome group before this thing's all over." [5]
John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard Movement, also launched the Signs and Wonders movement based on the concept that manifestations of supernatural power are necessary to authenticate the gospel. Wimber had a vision of an up and coming "army" of "dread champions" upon which would be unleashed a power of “unprecedented magnitude.”
"God has given us a vision to see the body of Christ move from being an inactive audience to a Spirit-filled army . . . God is about to unloose a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit of an unprecedented magnitude . . . He is looking for individuals who will be 'dread champions' for his cause." [6]
Restorationists, who maintain that the Church has been lost and must be restored, and Dominionists, who believe that the Church must reign on earth, teach that a great army of end-time saints is prophesied in Joel 2 and that “Joel’s Army”will be called upon by heads of state to "police" the nations with supernatural power. According to John Wimber and Paul Cain, before Christ returns, this company of mere youths will conquer the nations, having authority to dispense judgment on the ungodly and those who reject their leadership:
"It is also interesting to see how Cain used prophecy to confirm the Latter Rain teaching that evangelization would result from the supernatural power which was going to be given to believers. This teaching was central to Wimber's message. In the same speech Paul Cain prophesied that the new breed would possess power to overcome the enemies of the gospel and strike terror into them, 'There's going to be an awesome, reverential fear and respect for the church because the church is going to regain her power, lose her restrictions, lose her weakness . . . you're going to be called upon by presidents and kings of nations, heads of state. . . God is going to have his army and they are going to be a fearful bunch and they are going to go to every place on the face of the earth. . ." [7]
The time frame for the ascendance of Joel’s Army to power has been given in a prophecy to Peter Wagner's Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders:
"The church will be in key transition period between 2000-2003. During this period the youth in particular will be transitioning into revival."[8]
On this Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders is the co-founder of Generals of Intercession, Cindy Jacobs. On August 14, 2000, Jacobs issued “A Prophetic Call to Revolution” to Christian youth. This prophecy foretold that certain churches would become official “command posts for revolution” and that God now was calling “radical revolutionaries to the church.”
“For I would say to you, My children there is a page turning in the heavenlies, and at the top of this page I have one word, and it's 'revolution.' And I am getting ready to write a new page of history among the believers of this nation.
“For there is a radical sound that I have issued - there is a sound that has come from heaven, and it even now has come to earth. And the Lord says, these are going to be days where I am going to trouble the enemy through you. These are going to be different days than you have ever known, and I am going to require sacrifice of you that you cannot imagine. I am going to require a sacrifice of your children, says the Lord. And the Lord says, I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken. . .
“For I would say to you, my children, you are going to come out of the wilderness. And I have found a Caleb generation, says the Lord, who say we are well able to take the mountain, we are well able to take those strongholds that have been built in the nearly 40 years in this nation, since prayer has been taken out of school.
“There are churches that will be command posts for revolution, and to these command posts I would say, I am going to bring a revolution. Look and see; I am calling radical revolutionaries to the church. There is a sound going forth from heaven, says the Lord. I am calling from the north and the south and the east and the west. They're going to move, they're going to change universities to come to these command posts. They're going to change jobs. I'm going to bring the 18, 19, 20, 21 year olds, and they're going to mentor the generation under them. And then the high schoolers are going to mentor the generations under them.
“And I would say, these youth are going to put the adults to shame. Because they're going to be full of holy passion, a fiery passion for the Lord. So the Lord says, get ready for I have said many things over the church, and I have made many promises. With some of you, hope deferred has made the heart grow sick. But I have found the way for the church and for this youth, says the Lord. And the Lord says, there is going to be a day when there are as many youth as adults in these command post churches, for I am going to move-I would not pass you by.
“And the Lord says I'm going to put the gift of evangelism in the youth of these churches. I'm going to cause them to bring souls, and souls and souls. They're going to invade the high school campuses. They're going to invade the universities of their cities.
“And the Lord says, I am calling for an invasion from these churches, from my command posts. And the Lord says get ready, get ready, get ready, for it begins today.” [9]
Three weeks after this prophecy, a massive youth gathering was held in Washington, D.C. On September 2, 2000, 75,000 to 100,000 teenagers and young adults assembled on the Washington Mall to “start a revolution.” According to Intercessors for America, THE CALL, D.C. received favorable coverage in the Washington Post.
"’PRAYERS ON THE MALL’ AND ‘YOUNG CHRISTIANS LEAD CALL FOR SPIRITUAL REBIRTH’ HEADLINED THE CALL DC NEWS -- The Sept. 3 Washington Post headlines show that your prayers were definitely answered in a big way. Many reporters wrote in terms of ‘tens of thousands of Christian youth’ gathering on the Mall last Saturday, and size estimates vary - from 75,000 to 100,000 or more. The Washington Post accounts noted that the rounds of repentance and concerted prayer called for reconciliation between children and parents, an end to abortion and sexual immorality, the return of prayer in schools, a call to fasting and loving evangelism, personal commitment to purity and radical Nazarite-type lifestyles, and the sparking of a "new spiritual revolution." Most in attendance fasted for the entire day.”[10]
The Call, D.C. was originally advertised as "a gathering of fasting youth [ages 14-24] to converge on the Washington Mall on September 2, 2000." Later in the campaign, The Call, D.C. was billed as "a massive gathering of two generations who are desperate for revival . . .A historic gathering of children, youth and their parents." Like the Promise Keepers, The Call, D.C. was a "solemn assembly":
THE CALL is a solemn assembly.
The Call DC is a response to the urgent summons in Joel 2:15-18, given at a time of crisis. "Declare a holy fast … Call a sacred assembly … bring together the elders, gather the children." The vision is to call a solemn assembly of Christian young people and their parents to fast and pray for repentance and revival in our nation. The program will also include speakers and worship, and will last from dawn until dusk (6:00 am to 6:00 pm). We expect youth, their youth leaders, parents and significant adults in their lives to attend. It is non-denominational. People of all races, ethnic groups and social backgrounds will attend.
THE CALL is about reconciliation between generations - adults and children.
America's youth are facing their darkest hour. Beyond the Columbine massacre and the Wedgewood Baptist Church shootings, we are seeing a whole generation under satanic attack. Eighty-eight percent of America's more than 30 million teenagers are unchurched. Of the 12 percent who do currently attend church, 80 percent will stop attending before they graduate from high school. Surveys show that 90 percent of people who give their lives to Christ do so before the age of 30.
At every critical turning point in the Old Testament, we see a call to the nation of Israel for prayer and fasting. We believe that in order for America to experience revival, we must see the fulfillment of Malachi 4:6. One of The Call's main purposes is to see God "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and turn the hearts of the children to their fathers." We are asking for the fathers' blessing on the youth of America. [11]
The Call DC
"Yet the rumbles of revival can be heard, the distant sounds of a spiritual downpour that will bring a massive harvest. At a time when the voice of the church has been drowned out by the blare of talk shows and video games, the youth of this nation have been shaken to their core by the courage of young martyrs in places like Columbine and Wedgewood. There is a stirring in campuses and high schools. Young people are fasting, praying, evangelizing with a new passion. And now The Call has gone out - a summons to those who are desperate for revival and are willing to fast and pray to see God touch our nation.
"The Call DC is a response to the summons in Joel 2:15-18, "Declare a holy fast… Call a sacred assembly . . . bring together the elders, gather the children." A historic gathering of children, youth and their parents will occur at the Washington, DC Capitol Mall, September 2, 2000. Here, in the same place, a million men gathered three years ago to renew covenant - with their families and with God. But every generation must renew the covenant for themselves and now is the time for the next generation to do so. Just as the godly fathers of America gathered, so too must their children.
"The nation that has broken families and fatherless children is under a curse (Malachi 4:6). For revival to come, we need to see a profound reconciliation between parents and their children. One of The Call's main purposes is to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
"Revival has always been with the young. And it will be so again. Our campuses and schools have been the birthplaces of revival before -- may it happen again! In this season of harvest, let us gather to commission our youth with a mandate for this millenium and commit ourselves to mentor and equip them. . ." [12]
Revolution was the theme of The Call, D.C. To attract large numbers of teenagers to The Call, D.C., the original website was billed as "a repository for propaganda to support a national youth revolution against the status quo." The Call, D.C. Home Page displayed the image of a shirtless male with attitude (reminiscent of Abercrombie & Fitch porno-types) and background graffiti. Church bulletin inserts were offered that displayed pictures of youths with writing on their foreheads. [See The Mark of the Beast and The Mark: Tattoos and Branding]
The origins of The Call, D.C. can be traced to the U.S. Center for World Missions [USCWM] – an offshoot of Fuller Seminary -- and their Harvest Rock Church, whose pastor is Che Ahn, President of The Call, D.C. Lou Engle, a pastor at Che Ahn’s Harvest Rock Church is founder of The Call, D.C., Call, D.C. Executive Director for Mobilization of Youth and Vice President of Rock the Nations. Engle used the term “Extreme Youth” to describe the up and coming generation who were inspired -- not by the Holy Spirit -- but by video, audio, posters, etc. to "GO TO DC and start another Jesus Movement".
"Could another Jesus Movement happen today? God's summons is out. Multitudes have heard The Call to assemble in Washington, DC to fast and pray. I'm taking back my land. Now that's revolutionary. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE AND RETURN EVERY WEEK -- This area of the web site will be a repository for propaganda to support a national youth revolution against the status quo. There will be testimonies, video, audio, posters, book and article reprints that will be an inspiration to GO TO DC and start another Jesus Movement. . . Throughout the scriptures, in times of great crisis, God called for huge gatherings of fasting, repentance and covenant renewal. We either believe it or we don't. Joel's trumpet is sounding THE CALL once more, "Declare a holy fast. CALL a sacred assembly. Bring together the elders. Gather the children… and let them cry 'spare thy people oh God" … And AFTERWARDS, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh...and all who call on the Lord will be saved." The universal fast precedes the universal outpouring!
"God is summoning the holy youth of America to appear before Him. GO TO DC to fast, pray, reconcile and then be sent out to change the world through a massive youth revolution.
"TheCallDC is a massive gathering of Extreme Youth who are willing to fast and pray to create a violent spiritual shift in the destiny of America. Truly Revolutionary. [Revolution: when people make personal sacrifices for a cause -- everything else is just a campaign.]"
"Will Work for Revolution" T-Shirts . . . can be purchased for $15 at TheCall DC booth on Independence Ave."
Underground Propaganda still provides "cool banners" and locker posters for advertising The Call, D.C. on websites. One animated banner displaying teens carrying a sign stating "WILL WORK FOR REVOLUTION!" metamorphoses to announce: "the jesus revolution continues. . ." Another banner states "same movement . . .cuter hair" -- alternating pictures of long-haired hippie vs. updated punk style.[13]
Seeking parental guidance for attendance at The Call, DC was not encouraged; instead, young people were urged to persuade parents to permit them to attend an event which they might otherwise discern as unbiblical:
Tell your parents, youth leader and Pastor.
Having trouble convincing them?
Send them cool pleamails (Coming soon)[14]
Having circumvented the Holy Spirit's leading through parental discretion and guidance of their children, The Call, D.C. Executive Director, Lou Engle, had the audacity to state that this event -- in conjunction with the Promise Keepers Sacred Assembly of October 4, 1997 -- will be the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6.
"According to Engle, the PromiseKeepers gathering represented the turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children. Now, three years later, The Call is set to represent before God's throne the turning of the hearts of children to their fathers." [Generals of Intercession News]
"I believe that a massive spiritual earthquake occurred, at the Promise Keepers event in Washington D.C., as the fathers turned their hearts to the children, I believe, the curse began breaking over America. That event was a hinge upon which the doors of history opened."
". . .the Lord [is] now summoning [youth] to respond, to be the counterpart to the PK rally: a million young people on the D.C. Mall!. There would be the turning of the hearts of the children to the fathers. . .A national blessing or curse is decided by this change of heart or the lack of it. This is the Elijah Revolution!"[15]
Previously promoted as God's chosen vessel for turning the hearts of the fathers to the children was the Promise Keepers' Sacred Assembly. On October 4, 1997, 500,000 men assembled to worship before the Washington Monument, a Masonic obelisk. Like the 1997 PK Stand in the Gap Conference, The Call, D.C. opened the pagan worship of Native American tribes and the blowing of the shofar. Few of the youths attending this ceremony would realize that the “cultural worship of Native Americans” was Sun worship.
"As the sun came up and the day got underway, Native Dancers and a large team of 50-60 men and women, dressed in white outfits took the stage at the same time. The day was ushered in with the blowing of shofars and Native American Worshippers and Dancers in full First Nations regalia. It was the right way to initiate this CALL. What better way than to honor the cultural worship of Native Americans, the First people of this nation and the Jewish People--God's first CHOSEN NATION?"[16]
The Call, D.C.was heralded as the commencement of The Elijah Revolution. A companion website titled The Elijah Revolution features Lou Engle's Prayer CDs, Prayers for the Elijah Revolution, X-treme Disciples and Joann McFatter's Temple Dance, all of which can be purchased at the Revolution Store. Another page recalls Hitler's Youth Movement, another youth army of unhappy memory.
Nazis or Nazarites?
"A mighty youth army is gathering spontaneously, apparently out of nowhere. In the dark hours before the dawn, dew starts to collect on the ground that was dry the night before. It's an enemy's worst nightmare: to wake up and be suddenly surrounded by an army that appeared out of thin air! What had been an empty field the night before, is now filled with soldiers whose weapons and armor glint like dew in the sunrise. Overnight, an army of consecrated young people are going to emerge out of this present darkness. Though presently unseen, this vast youth army is already mobilizing. Invisible now, invincible later. This is an army like no other - ever. The millennium awaits them."[17]
An excerpt from Michael Brown’s The Jesus Manifesto: A Call to Revolution on The Elijah Revolution website, explains the need for a revolution: “What precedes revolutions is a growing awareness that things are not the way they ought to be.” To allay any fears or suspicions that this radical youth movement might get out of hand or be exploited to implement a fascist state, Brown adds a disclaimer.
"This revolution will not be fought with earthly weapons of destruction – not with guns and knives and bullets and bombs. It will not be fought with hatred, intimidation, or brute force. No. It will be fought with the message of the gospel, with the love of God, with the power of the Spirit, with radical holiness, with sacrifice, compassion, and courage. It will be a Jesus revolution, an intense clash between two spiritual kingdoms, a heavenly attack on the enemy's strongholds, a no compromise stand for morality and truth. And it will impact society in a lasting way. It must!…"[18]
References to the adoption of "radical Nazarite-type lifestyles" require more elaboration than is offered by The Call, D.C. The President of The Call, D.C., Che Ahn was mentored by the very New Age Dick Iverson. Iverson also mentored Pastor Wendell Smith of the WA City Church which holds 'Dragon Slayer' New Generation youth seminars. Wendell Smith belongs to the Church of the Nazarene as does James Dobson and his wife, Shirley. In fact, Dr. Dobson is descended from three generations of Nazarene ministers.
Merovingian literature, such as Bloodline of the Holy Grail, promotes the Nazarene tradition which is "another gospel" with "another Christ" -- an initiate of the gnostic Essene Community of Qumran:
"The scriptures also say that Jesus was a ' Nazarene' -- but this does not mean that he came from the town of Nazareth. Although Luke 2:39 implies that Joseph's family came from Nazareth, the term Nazarene (or Nazarite) was strictly sectarian, and had nothing to do with the town. . . [Variants of the word Nazarene] ultimately derive from the Hebrew Nozrim, a plural noun stemming from the term Nazrie-ha-Brit 'Keepers of the Covenant', a designation of the Essene Community at Qumran on the Dead Sea . . . every reference to 'Nazareth' in English translations of the Gospels must be regarded as incorrect -- stemming from a misunderstanding of the word Nazarene. . .
"John the Baptist and Jesus' brother James were both Nazarites, but the sectarian term can be traced back to the Old Testament figures of Samson and Samuel. Nazarites were ascetic individuals bound by strict vows through predetermined periods. . .In the Gospel era, Nazarites were associated with the Essene Community of Qumran -- the environment of Joseph and Mary."[19]
The Old Testament proscription of Nazarites from wine and strong drink, shaving, and physical corruption is found in Numbers 6. Samson, of the Tribe of Dan and who judged Israel during the Philistine occupation, is regarded as the first Nazarite. Judges 13:4,5 describes the command of angel of the Lord to Samson's mother: "For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come upon his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb. . ."
The significance of John the Baptist as a Nazarene/Nazarite will come into view as this series progresses. The Cult of the Black Virgin, by Ean Begg, classifies John the Baptist as an Essene and mentions that the Nazarene tradition of long hair was continued by the Merovingians and the Knights Templar:
"If, as seems likely, John was an Essene, influenced by the school of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, then he is part of a new mystical climate in Judaism, encompassing Philo's Alexandrian Therapeuts, in which the Gospel of the Kingdom was to grow and thrive. The Gnostic tradition that he represents has proved the most durable of all and still survives in Mesopotamia among the Mandaeans, also known as Nasoraeans and Christians of St John. The Merovingians, like the Nasoraeans/Nazarenes of old, never cut their hair. The Templars, too, were sometimes considered to be Christians of St John." [20]
Although the distinguishing characteristic of a Nazarite -- a man set apart to God under the Old Covenant -- was long hair, under the New Covenant "if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him". [I Cor.11:14] It would appear that the direction of the present revolution is bringing Christians under the Old Covenant. However, this is not the case, despite the incessant framing of Gnostic concepts with Old Testament terminology. Rather, the leaders of this revolution are leading naive youth into the New Age of the Gnostic Essene cult which is emerging from its underground haunt soon to become "The Church of St. John in the Age of the Spirit".
A major emphasis of The Call, D.C. is fasting into which mode the youth are being moved from September 20-October 29.
“Young Christians beat their elders to the punch by taking the initiative and calling their generation to a 40-day pre-election prayer and fasting vigil September 20-October 29. Multitudes are fasting and praying over their school lunch hours with this focus: for historic revival in America; "holy revolution" in their schools; the 2000 general elections. (See or”[21]
The call to “radical Nazarite-type lifestyles” puts this 40-day fast in a different category than Biblical fasting. A radical Nazarite-type lifestyle is the salvation by works mentality found in monastic orders. The “call” of this youth movement is, in fact, a call to a life of asceticism -- the practice of strict self-denial as a means of religious self discipline. The ritual fasting of the Nazarene Community of Essenes would have been akin to the asceticism of the Kabbalist who seeks union with God through such means.
“According to the Kabbalists, evil is essentially finite, as opposed to the divine good. . . Evil is an appearance not a substance, and a man’s sin consists of his separation from the Divine Being. . . By penitence and asceticism man can . . . attain union with perfection.” [22]
Recall that Laurence Gardner stated in Bloodline of the Holy Grail, "Nazarites were ascetic individuals bound by strict vows through predetermined periods. . ." Louis Engle's Live the Call homepage encourages young people to "make a vow," in direct disobedience of Jesus' command, "Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." [Matt. 5:37]
Throughout the Christian Right is being purveyed the notion that if Christians will make heroic efforts of fasting and prayer, God will bless the nation’s elections with a Christian administration and Congress. The next item on the IFA newsletter is Charisma Magazine’s interview of Gov. George Bush on the subject of his faith. Bush gives his politically correct testimony which is profoundly lacking the genuineness of true Biblical conversion. Charisma and Bush fail to distinguish between a “person of faith” and a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no mention of Jesus whatsoever, only Christ.
Sadly, the Moral Majority will justify its collective vote for a third generation member of the Order of Skull and Bones on the basis of a bogus testimony and delusions of a Christian government. The CIA controllers of Christian Right, using highly developed mind control techniques, seem to have permanently disabled the critical faculties of Christians and reprogrammed them like members of a large cult. The fascinating History of the Order of Skull and Bones chronicles the development of Yale University as the fountainhead of American espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies.
“Yale has influenced the Central Intelligence Agency more than any other university, giving the CIA the atmosphere of a class reunion. And “Bonesmen” have been foremost among the “spooks” building the CIA’s “haunted house.”[23]
Lou Engle's inspiration for The Call, D.C. came from a prophetic dream which is described on the Generals of Intercession website.
“In 1996, God gave Engle a prophetic dream that spawned the movement now referred to as The Call. In the dream, Engle was to pass on a letter to a young boy named Joel. Engle awakened with the thought that he had lost the letter that Joel was supposed to receive. ‘At that point, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, ‘Don't drop Joel's letter!'’ recalls Lou. ‘I interpreted this to mean we shouldn't drop God's call, articulated in the second chapter of Joel, to pray and fast. . .’”[24]
Engle must support this fantastical pretext for starting a youth revolution with something more substantial. A reference to Jonathan Edwards will add credibility to his prophetic dream:
"Two years ago, in Lake Isabela, CA, the Lord showed Engle that the coming youth revival was a fulfillment of a promise He had made to pioneer revivalist Jonathan Edwards. . .’I was preparing to preach on this subject for the very first time,’ recalls Engle, ‘when a kid came up to me and shared that he had just found out he was the great-great-great-great grandchild of Edwards. God is going to visit the youth of this nation because of his covenant with Edwards!”
"Interestingly, scholars have reported that Jonathan Edwards prophesied that a third great awakening would commence before the end of the year 2000."[25]
Few Christians who hear this story will realize that the "great-great-great-great grandchild of Edwards" would also be a descendant of Timothy Dwight, who was inducted into the Order of Skull & Bones in 1849, became president of Yale University in 1886 and served on the committee for the 1901 American Standard Revision (ASV). According to Antony Sutton, author of America's Secret Establishment: Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones:
"In 1886 Timothy Dwight (The Order) had taken over from the last of Yale's clerical Presidents, Noah Porter. Never again was Yale to get too far from The Order." [26]
Rev. Pres Timothy Dwight was the grandson of Rev. Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) who was the grandson of the famous Rev. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), president of Union College. Both Timothy Dwights were presidents of Yale. The elder Timothy Dwight, who was born on May 14, 1752 in Northampton, Massachusetts, was a also personal friend of President George Washington, a high-level Freemason.
"Timothy Dwight was a man for all seasons: an ordained Congregational minister, grandson of Jonathan Edwards, personal friend of George Washington, and Army chaplain." [27]
It is true that Jonathan Edwards prophesied a great revival at the onset of the millennium. According to Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture, Jonathan Edwards and his grandson, Timothy Dwight, believed that America would be the seat of Christ's Millennial Kingdom and that this transition would occur in 2000 A.D. This vision corresponds to the Plan of British Freemasonry for the United States.
Christians, note well the Masonic exploitation of the religious masses through “patriot prophecy writers” who led them to believe they would “fulfill prophecy” by supporting “The Revolution.” It is an historical phenomenon that revolutionaries with secular agendas have, through psychological manipulation, succeeded in transforming the Church into an instrument of revolution.
"With the struggle for independence, patriot prophecy writers reenacted the familiar process of adapting their end-time scenarios to current events, and vied in identifying contemporary British leaders as Antichrist. . .By 1773 King George himself, like Charles I 150 years earlier was being portrayed as Antichrist . . .
"The independence movement also revived the belief of the Mathers and of Jonathan Edwards that America might be the seat of Christ's millennial kingdom. But what had been formulated in religious terms now took on a secular cast, as prophecy speculation -- already politicized during the French and Indian War -- oriented itself around the Revolutionary cause, laying the groundwork for. . .'civil millennialism.' In 'A Poem on the Rising Glory of America,' delivered to their Princeton graduating class in 1771, Philip Freneau and Hugh Henry Brackenridge looked to the day when the New Jerusalem would 'grace our happy earth, perhaps this land.' An independent American nation, declared Ebenezer Baldwin 1776, would be 'the principle seat of that glorious kingdom', which Christ shall erect upon the earth in the latter Days. Revolution and liberty, rather than revival, now became the high road to the blessed future foreseen by the biblical apocalypticus.
"With symbolic appropriateness, Jonathan Edwards' grandson, Timothy Dwight, most fully elaborated this secular vision of the Revolution's prophetic significance. Dwight's 1771 poem 'America' written when he was a nineteen-year-old Yale student contains the kernel of is civil millennialism. . . Five years later, speaking at Yale three weeks after the Declaration of Independence, the now twenty-four-year-old Dwight fully eschatologized the stirring events of the day. In America, history would reach its climax in the fulfillment of 'that remarkable Jewish tradition' of a thousand years of 'peace, purity and felicity.' Ushered in by Yale-trained lawyers, physicians and other professionals, the Star Spangled Millennium, he speculated (echoing Samuel Sewall whose ideas had intrigued his grandfather), would probably begin about the year 2000. In the soaring apocalyptic language of the prophet Isaiah, Dwight hailed the emerging nations: 'Arise, shine, for thy light has come.'" [28]