środa, 26 września 2012

The Ripening - Planet Earth Welcomes Maitreya?

The work of the Christ for the new age of spirituality and the coming holocaust
We have come to a point in history where things are converging to a massive unity for survival. Saving the environment, the planet (Gaia) has become accepted with the agenda of global warming. religious unity is on everyone's mind, for they know without this there can be no real and lasting peace.
The Roman Catholic Church wants to unite the world (and the churches) under Christendom- under the Pope, who claims to be the representation of Christ on earth since he left. There is no question to their unparalleled cooperation with other religions in the last 25 years to forge their goals.
Islam wants to unite the world under a Islamic caliphate wherein Sharia law will rule through its Islamic states. Many Muslims are awaiting and anticipating the 12th Imam Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah will eliminate evil and corruption.  He will fight against the enemies of the Muslims (destroy Israel) who would be victorious… Islam will be victorious over all the religions. (Reefernce: Sideeque M.A. Veliankode, Doomsday Portents and Prophecies (1999) p. 277; Al-Sadr and Mutahhari, prologue, pp. 4,5).
The spiritual movement of the New Age is waiting for the Christ, a world teacher of the Aquarian age. There is excitement in the air. Unbenowest to all, the spirit of the age is moving with such rapid speed to accomplish its goals put in its followers for hundreds of years. Eventually all will converge- into a synthesis not imagined since the Tower of Babel.
The Christian believers know the real sequence of events to take place and wait patiently for the Lord
Before I delve into the main point of this article let me give you some background on matters that relate to it. The teachings of Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme and David Spangler along with numerous other influential New Age writers state that we are to undergo a mass-planetary initiation that will usher us into a New Age. An age that many a poet and philosopher have written about; a golden age of peace, harmony and brotherhood.
Spangler called it the “Luciferic initiation” because of its association with the experience of light. Call it a planetary Pentecost like Barbara Marx Hubbard or another name given by H.P. Blavatsky, it does not matter, for the result is the same. Once one experiences this new light they are changed with a new set of views and values that encompass their whole life. Be it political, spiritual, or education.
If men look for the Christ Who left His disciples centuries ago, they will fail to recognize the Christ Who is in process of returning” (Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Reappearance of the Christ, Chapter III – World Expectancy, http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/reappearance/reap1018.html).Benjamen Creme who is the voice of proclamation for the new Christ says, The Master Jesus is going to reform the Christian churches” (Benjamen Creme, Reappearance of the Christ, p. 85).
This reform means “change.” When you look at the mysticism now taking place inside the church along with practices of other religions being added, one cannot also think about this prophecy by Alice Bailey:
“This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the TRUE second Coming has been accomplished… the Christian church in its many branches can serve as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished… the church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance. … Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated” (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, 1957, Lucis Publishing).Their agenda is not hidden and we need to understand how they practice their spirituality to identify it, because it is coming into the church.
Those involved in the New Age Movement promote a New Age Christ, not the Jesus “Christ” of the Bible. They believe the title Christ does not refer to an individual but is the name of a function in the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom.
On Shares international website they admit – “The existence of great spiritual teachers, known as the Masters of Wisdom, became public knowledge in 1875 through the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society (“ Highlights of Maitreya's public emergence”) http://www.shareintl.org/maitreya/Ma_emerge.htm)
Helena Blavatsky did not agree with the Bibles position at all and spoke of the coming world ruler of the New Age as the “serpent” from the garden.
We are told by former Masons that the highest degree in freemasonry, the 33rd degree which brings the illumination that Lucifer is actually God, the one who brings light, and Adonai the God of the Bible, is not the true god. Talk about a shell game switch. This is opening ones eyes to the same promise by the serpent in the garden. Manly Hall speaking of the Masons and the Mystery of his Craft stated, “The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy.”(Locked Keys of Freemasonry, p. 48 Manly P. Hall).
Blavatsky was in telepathic communication with the ‘Masters’ of the ancient wisdom, they influenced and directed her like they have done with so many others throughout history. Like the Masons, H. P. Blavatsky stated how the lightbearer Lucifer brings knowledge, “It is but natural ... to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the 'Harbinger of Light,' bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah” (H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Vol. II - Anthropogenesis, Theosophical University Press, 1970, “Verbatim with the Original Edition,” 1888, p. 243)
Like others, she experienced this light that changed her worldview and called her to be a vehicle to channel the ancient wisdom from the masters. This light is known to those who have experienced it as spiritual and life changing. She thought it brought her spiritual knowledge, opening her to a higher consciousness. From there own words we know who this light is.
The Theosophical Society for many years called one of its publications Lucifer. Alice Bailey, a former Theosophist founded the Arcane Society. Bailey established Lucifer Publishing Company in 1922 to help disseminate her works. In 1923 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company, which was a bit less obvious in relation to what they were publishing.
Another occultist, Annie Besant, was the Theosophical Society's president from 1907 to 1933. She proclaimed the coming of a World Teacher would be the spiritual master named Lord Maitreya.
Benjamin Crème- during his early years Crème studied art and esoteric philosophy, and eventually became known both as a modernist painter and an expert in the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey.1 While he came to believe in the existence of the “Masters of Wisdom” (i.e., great teachers who have evolved to a higher level of existence) through the writings of the Theosophists...” (“Benjamin Creme Biography,” [Online]. URL http://www.shareintl.org/cremebio.html)
Benjamen Creme who is the main promoter of Maitreyas mission today regards Blavatsky’s writings (and Mrs. Bailey's work) as “preparatory” for the unfolding of a spiritual plan for the planet. All of these names were tied in together for they were initiates into the light and conduits for the masters of the spiritual realm to manipulate for their coming spiritual coup d'état.
We find from another initiative whom this Christ really is and how global servers will be united, “Christ is the same force as Lucifer... Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator. ... Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age ... each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation ... the particular doorway through which the individual MUST pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his light and his wholeness. “for it is an invitation into the New Age” (David Spangler Reflections on the Christ p.44-45)
Lucifer is known as the light bearer in the Bible record. He can mesmerize people by his look and speech and can give them spiritual experiences par none (except for the genuine ones that come from God). Though he is clothed in light his real nature and knowledge is darkness. The Luciferic Initiation reveals to man their own divinity, and gives them the ability to manipulate and control what they believe are universal energies.
Alice Bailey said, “each contact with the Initiator leads the initiate closer to the centre of pure darkness.” (Alice Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations: Volume V, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, 1960, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, p. 174)
The Bible warns of those who call darkness light and change light for darkness. So many have experienced a light or even met an angel of light and were enamored with it as Eve was with hers. Everyone who encounters this light has a life changing experience, not knowing it is based on occultic knowledge.
Fritjoff Capra Ph.D., physicist and systems theorist, author of “The Tao of Physics” writes: “Five years ago, I had a beautiful experience . . . . I was by the ocean one late summer afternoon, watching the waves roll in and feeling the rhythm of my breathing, when I became aware of my whole environment as being engaged in a great cosmic dance. Being a physicist, I knew that the sand, rocks, water and air around me were made of vibrating molecules and atoms . . . but until that moment I had only experienced it through graphs, diagrams end mathematical theories. As I sat on that beach my former experiences came to life; I `saw' cascades of energy coming dawn from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I `saw' the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I `heard' its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the dance of Shiva, the Land of the Dancers worshipped by the Hindus.'
From this experience came “The Tao of Physics.” He focused on the oneness of all things: he got the message from his experience. This is the new age/ occult experience- that everything is united.
Bill Wilson with his close friend, Bob Smith were involved in the occult before they invented the method of AA.
The “original mystical experience” to which Wilson referred was his alleged “conversion.” It came about in a classic occult encounter with a “white light,” rather than by faith in Jesus Christ through the gospel. Wilson had fallen into a deep depression and in desperation cried out, “If there is a God, let Him show Himself I am ready to do anything, anything!” He had demanded something that God was under no obligation to provide. It was an opportunity for Satan to respond with a “spiritual experience” that set the stage for the seduction of millions. Wilson testified that in response to his cry:
Suddenly the room lit up with a great white light. I was caught up into an ecstasy . . . . It seemed to me, in the mind's eye, that I was on a mountain and that a wind not of air but of spirit was blowing. And then it burst upon me that I was a free man ....
All about me and through me there was a wonderful feeling of Presence, and I thought to myself, “so this is the God of the preachers!” A great peace stole over me
. . . .”(Stafford, “Hidden Gospel,” p. 14, Reference: p.297-298 Occult Invasion by Dave Hunt).No it is not the god of the preachers but it is the god so many encounter as a light. Notice the light is a common denominator in these experiences. Certainly the bible says God is light and dwells in inapproachable light (by men).
In the Book “The Seduction of Christianity” author Dave Hunt refers to Gerald Jampolsky’s experience:
The power of mystical experience (a form of initiation) is expressed eloquently by Robert Schuller's good friend and repeat guest on his “Hour of Power” TV program, Gerald Jampolsky.This famous psychiatrist and best-selling author/lecturer tells of his meeting with Swami Muktananda: He touched me with peacock feathers. I began to have the impression that our minds were joined. He touched me again on the head with his hand. After this, beautiful colors appeared all around me, and it seemed as though I had stepped out of my body and was looking down on it. I saw colors whose depth and brilliance were beyond anything I had ever imagined.
I began to talk in tongues. A beautiful beam of light came into the room and I decided at that moment to stop evaluating what was happening and simply be one with the experience, to join it completely.... For the next three months, my energy level was heightened and I required very little sleep. I was filled with an aware ness of love unlike anything I had known before
” (Teach Only Love quoted by Orange County Resources interview with G. Jampolsky M.D. by phil. Friedman phd.p/3).True or not, experience can be a very convincing paradigm. This is how so many have had a change of their worldview in a moment of time. Elizabeth Kubler Ross was one of the leading investigators of thanatology and NDE’s (near death experiences) described an experience with a light that she felt tremendous love from and healed her bowel obstruction. Yet this experience never led her to the gospel so one must question who she encountered as light.
“Consider, for example, the case of Will Baron. He had lost his confidence in the Bible in high school through the teaching of evolution. Later, through drugs and Eastern mysticism, he had become part of the New Age movement. He was, in fact, a board member of the New Age cult Lighted Way. On this special day Will had been doing his usual morning meditation for only a few minutes when, as he reports:
‘“Suddenly, a physical force that I had never felt before seemed to come upon me. Brilliant light filled my whole being... permeating every cell of my body. My brain, especially, was flooded with light, as if a thousand watt bulb had been switched on inside of nay head ....
‘I felt a deep sense of peace .... My mind, my rational thinking was still functioning normally, with clear and precise, logical thoughts. I had not taken any kind of drugs whatsoever.”
Suddenly, a man radiating intense golden-white light stood before me. My first perception was that the mysterious, shining figure looked just like Jesus Christ. Immediately a strong intuitive thought... surfaced that told me this person was Djwhal Khul, the high-ranking member of the White Brotherhood of Masters. who had dictated to Alice Bailey the contents of the metaphysical books she had published . . .’”
(Cited from Occult Invasion by Dave Hunt p.183-184; story of Will Baron, Deceived by the New Age (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1990). pp. 61-62).
Hiding their darkness behind the light seems to be a common these from these ancient masters of disguise.
“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works” (2 Cor. 11:14-15). In other words, do not marvel that they have this ability. Satan and those who are in his kingdom are readily able to do this.Occult practitioner Alice Bailey wrote: [The Intelligent seeker ... is moving out from under doctrinal authority into direct personal spiritual experience and coming under the direct authority which contact with Christ and His disciples, the Masters, gives” (Externalisation of The Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, p. 417)
This is not an isolated belief but a wide held belief in the New Age movement. Lola Davis a new age writer tells us the New Age “Christ” resides on a different plane of consciousness from what we experience. There he directs the Masters, “a group of advanced souls, most of them discarnate ... known variously as the White Brotherhood, The Great White Lodge, the Masters of Wisdom, the Hierarchy, and the Angels around the Throne” (Lola Davis Toward a world religion for a new age p.186).
The Bible speaks of a deception that will affect the whole world in the last days. Jesus says in Mt.24 “many will come in my name saying I am,” and say I am the Christ. Many have come throughout history saying they are God or his representative. Maitreya says he comes not in Christ’s name but his own. What did Jesus warn about this? Another will come in his own name, him they will hear. Maitreya says, “I am the Prince of Peace....” (Message No. 100) and far too many believe it.
Maitreya also claims that he is the overarching influence over Jesus of Nazareth. And He will convince mankind by experience, by signs and disregard doctrine. Being “lit up” by a mystical experience (of light) is no guarantee that one is experiencing something true. What at first seems beautiful can be very invasive and powerfully misleading.
Physical sensations convince the participant that they have come into direct communication with a universal God, the inner god that is within everyone. The goal of these masters is to awaken to the deity within.
Maitreya states “experience of the Self within” (Share International, December 1988; Network News, Nov./Dec. 1988, pg.1). “My Task will be to take you into the Light of your own true nature, and realise for you the Gods you are” (excerpt of Maitreya’s message no. 71). “May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to see each other as the gods you are”(Message 13, Feb. 1982). “Decked in all of the colors of the rainbow, glowing with the Light of God, man, one day will stand upright in his divinity. This I promise you.” (Message no. 4).
When you hear people speak of the divinity, the deity within, they are denying the Bible, Jesus and are actually mimicking the words of Lucifer the light bearer who said that he would be like the most high in heaven (Isa. 14:13-14) and lured Eve into the same idea (Gen.3:3-5). They are echoing something very ancient, the original first lie that entered the universe to challenge God’s rule, and it is powerful.
The root source of these belief are found in theosophy and in the pursuit mysticism, we find this common thread in all the writings of influential men and woman during this period of this modern occult spiritual awakening.
The realization of this is needed today. Christ in God. God in Christ. Christ in you and Christ in me. This is what will bring into being that one religion which will be the religion of love, of peace on earth, of universal goodwill, of divine understanding, and of the deep recognition of God” (Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter two The First Initiation, The Birth at Bethlehem, http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/bethlehem/beth1022.html)
Under the influence of powers that were against the Christ of the Bible they communicated to her a distortion of what the bible actually says. For it is only the believer in the Gospel that can have Christ in them
Besides Blavatsky and Bailey’s influences, there were other men and books popular among occultists and Theosophists during the 1920s. It is not surprising to see Baird Spalding saying nearly the same thing: “We know the greatest of all teachers came to show more fully that the Christ in him and through whom he did his mighty works is the same Christ that lives in you, in me in all mankind; that by applying his teachings do all the works that he did and greater works” (Baird Spalding, Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, p.16).
When you hear the words of everyone having Christ in them, though they may not yet be aware of this , you are hearing the same spirits that spoke to these people.
A key influence in the development of the “I AM” Ascended Masters movement were found in books by Baird T. Spalding (Published between 1924 and 1955). The five volumes, entitled Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, which contain many of the beliefs central to the I AM movement. Spalding spoke of amazing experiences he and ten others of his group had while on a research trip in the Far East in 1894. (Life and teachings of the Masters of the Far East vol.1 p.9).
One of the two main I AM cults (founded in 1930) were by Guy (1878-1939) and his wife Edna Ballard (1886-1971), who held to the beliefs in Spalding's books. The Ballard’s were practicing Theosophists when Guy was contacted in 1930 by the so called Ascended Master Saint Germain who appeared in a visible, tangible body on Mount Shasta, California. His experiences are recorded in the first two books of what is known as the Saint Germain series: Unveiled Mysteries and the Magic Presence. Saint Germain was called the Lord of the Seventh Ray, who in previous incarnations claimed to be the Old Testament prophet Samuel, Saint Alban, and Sir Francis Bacon. They then began the “I AM Movement” and in 1932 the Ballard's began to release the message of the Ascended Masters to the public. Saint Germain described his task of initiating the Seventh Golden Age, the permanent “I AM” Age of Eternal Perfection on Earth. His “Christ is called the cosmic christ with a legion of light to accompany him” (I Am Healing Decrees, Saint Germaine press, 1976 pp.30-31). The idea was that God is within each man, as the “I am presence” and that the man who released presence this can experience divinity in this life (the violet consuming ray).
The best way to convince someone is by experience, feelings and their senses because it bypasses the critical thinking of the mind that God gave man to scrutinize what is right and wrong. The angel of light comes (2 Cor. 11:14; 2 Thess 2:9), to introduce you to a spiritual experience that is heightened beyond anything occurring naturally.  You may have a real spiritual experience as are a nearly all counterfeits and you may even had a Jesus appear. But, he is not the historic Jesus of the Bible that is now in heaven waiting for the day to call his saints home. The Bible warns us about “another Jesus, Another spirit that comes to deceive.
It should not astound us that when numerous groups in the past and today name this other Christ,  he would have the same teachings of the ascended masters: “Maitreya enters now the world arena to teach men that they are Gods in potential, that they are powerful, indeed, and that conditioning, alone, holds them in thrall to superstition and fear, competition and greed. He will show men the way to renounce the past, and to construct, under His wise guidance, a civilization worthy of men who are moving into their Divinity. The day is not far off when men will hear his Call, and hearing, respond. The day is not far off when men will know that the long dark night is over, that the time has come to welcome the new light which has entered the world”“ (Source: Share International magazine, July/August 2000).
 Maitreya is comparing the religion of  Judaism that is fulfilled in Christ Jesus their Messiah and telling us that it is has kept us from the truth of who we really are- God. that when this light invades earth there will be a transformation. And this spiritual counterfeit light is getting brighter and bringing mankind into a new dark ages.
The Calling of Maitreya the Christ
Benjamen Crème explains: ‘there are 12 Masters in the world, but they are going to be forty Masters. Some of Jesus’ disciples are masters: the one who was John the Beloved, now the Master Koot Hoomi, Saint Paul, now the Master Hilarion; and Saint Peter, now the Master Morya and also the Master Jesus, himself.
At their head is Maitreya, the Master of all the Masters. Jesus, now known as Master Jesus, currently resides with Peter and John in Rome, and is attempting to reunite the Christian churches through a focus on Maitreya
. “Jesus of Nazareth and Maitreya,” [Online]. http://www.shareintl.org/jesusnm.html. One of the ways Maitreya has worked behind the scenes is doing wonders as “Maitreya says those who search for signs will find them”(Message 10). These are supposedly synchronized with the emergence of Maitreya and His group of Masters at this time in the history of the world.For those who seek signs of His coming, Maitreya has manifested miracles worldwide … preparing them for His imminent appearance” (Maitreya- News release no. 74, April 2005).
Grandiose claims are made through Maitreya’s messenger Benjamin Crème “(Lord Maitreya) will leave no doubt that He is the World Teacher. Maitreya will mentally ‘overshadow’ all of humanity simultaneously. Each of us, not only those watching or listening, will hear His words inwardly, telepathically, in our own language…Thus, all will know that the World Teacher is now among us. Maitreya’s open world-wide mission will have begun” (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission, Vol. I, p. 11,)
What are they speaking about is a spiritual event unlike any other that will bring a covenant- an agreement with the people. An experience given to all mankind making it a universal acceptance no matter what ones belief system is. This will energize people to work together for his goal.
We are told that on the Day of Declaration, Maitreya will have everyone (simultaneously) hear his voice inwardly-- telepathically in their own language. Feelings of love will result with spontaneous healings taking place throughout the world. If all goes according to plan, it will be quite convincing.
Barbara Marx Hubbard has a similar event that she calls a planetary Pentecost, she explains to us that at this time, a “quantum leap” in the evolution of mankind will occur as revealed to her by “the Christ”: “At the moment of cosmic contact, I will appear to you both through inner experience and through external communication on your mass media.” Hubbard says, at this time when “the divisions of the religions would be over…We would each know that God is within us…If all who feel we are connected to each other, to nature and to God join in a planetary Pentecost, we shall be transformed in this lifetime” (Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Armageddon Alternative,” Brooks Alexander, SPC Vol. 19:2/3, 1995, p. 49).
This concept has various names and practices to yield the same results. Occultist Alice A. Bailey discussed this “energy” experience as well: The new religion will be one of Invocation and Evocation, of bringing together great spiritual energies and then stepping them down for the benefitting and the stimulation of the masses. The work of the new religion will be the distribution of spiritual energy... (www.ibae.org/html/hftwef.html)  
To bring this spiritual energy to earth the spiritual masters gave an invocation, attempting “to increase the energy which comes from Maitreya and other Masters,” (“Help the Hierarchy with Transmission Work’ p.6). The Tara Centers have established what they call “transmission groups” these are meetings that involves group meditation and invoking the manifestation the focused as an aid in passing on the energies of the “Hierarchy” to earth. This has everything to do with a light that mesmerizes people – giving them a mystical experience. They are literally been preparing the spiritual climate for the reappearance of “their Christ. The idea of transmission groups receiving energy and mental images from these “ascended masters” and projecting that energy is occultic in its nature; and there is real spiritual power involved.
The 1940 version of the Great Invocation:
“Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.

Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.
In 1945 the Master Djwhal Khul gave Bailey “The Great Invocation” and it was modified to become the “World Prayer.” The New Age leaders know the meaning of the prayer, it is to bring forth the “Coming One” who (many) they believe is Lord Maitreya, the new Christ.
Here is a portion of The Invocation today:
‘From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

…Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Along with the invocation are various meditations- Example: "Christmas blessing"
“There will be a blessing from Maitreya on Christmas day (25 December) at 3 o'clock (3.00pm local time, wherever you are). Hold your attention on the crown chakra -- the center at the top of the head -- (this is the only time that the attention should be placed on this center, contrary to Transmission Meditation, where the attention is held on the ajna center) and sit in silent meditation while the energies flow- (Share International)This Hindu type exercise shows us what kind of a Christ this Maitreya really is.
Bailey stated of the New Group of World Servers- “are overseeing or ushering, In the New Age and are present at the birthpangs of the new civilizatlon... (Externalization of the Hierarchy p. 70).
They are actively bringing in the kingdom of another Christ, whose spirit is working through those who disbelieve in Jesus as the one and only Christ. This spirits influence unites them with an alternative that is appealing to those in disobedience to the gospel. Success will be perceived as god given and the deception will then become prevalent to all its participants.

Hitler’s Spiritual Master-Maitreya


There are invisible spiritual forces at work behind the scene that most are unaware of. Once we understand that there is a spiritual influence of both good and bad taking place in the world we can better understand what is being formed and which side we are to be on (Eph 6:12).  
H. P. Blavatsky was given “The Secret Doctrine” by the Masters of wisdom through telepathy; in the same way Alice Bailey was given the Teachings by Dwaj Khul, they were channeled by spirit entities that posed as benevolent creatures to advance mankind.
It is well known that the birth of the Nazi Party is connected to the Thule Society. The Thule’s were basically a “secret society” that was in pursuit of occult esoteric knowledge. The Thule Society was formed about 1914, and grew to over 1,500 members. Its membership was varied from all different people.
It included the wealthy, judges, lawyers, police, university professors, scientists, physicians and businessmen. The Occultic Thule Society was named after the mythical hyperborean Aryan culture that is alleged to have existed northwest of Norway sometime before the dawn of history. The hyperboreans were the root race that spawned the current root race homo- sapiens.
The Thules believed they descended from the Aryans, a race of Causcasian “supermen” that lived nearly a million years ago. These same concepts are connected to the occult view of the continent of Lemuria (Mu) and Atlantis.
The Thules were occupied in a propaganda war against the Jews. They convince the German public of a sinister Jewish conspiracy blaming them for nearly all of Germany's problems.
The similarity to the secret doctrine of the occultists cannot be overlooked. “Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out.... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?” (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks] p.147, translated in The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean and Michel Angebert, p.178.)
Hitler’s ideas about the Aryan race came from the Thule Society. Thule was supposedly a lost island inhabited by a ancient race that were “masters of wisdom” (much like the mythology of Atlantis or Lemuria and the spiritual hierarchy, the White Brotherhood today). Though unseen, they are a superior highly intelligent beings working behind the scenes (as Benjamen Crème states). Hitler believed he was in contact with them and that they gave him power and energy. Through his alleged contacts with this mythical superior race, he believed he was destined to lead the Aryans to rule the world. Hitler's vision of the world was that Germany would unite the world under his leadership which would last for 1,000 years.
Contance Cumbey, in her book “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” summarized Hitler’s path to being Germany’s messianic figure: “While still a very young child, Hitler was initiated into the finer mysteries of the occult. He attended a Benedictin monastery school near his German home. “The occult interests Hitler gained in this school, stayed with him all of his adult life and helped to shape his future spiritual philosophy.”
Cumbey: “While Hitler was in Vienna pursuing a career as an archi­tect and artist, he spent his spare time in occult bookstores and libraries, acquainting himself with the mysteries of metaphysical lore and gaining the acquaintance of adepts in both “white” and “black” magic. Transcendent states of consciousness and mind expansion fascinated him and he devoted every spare cent and minute to the pursuit of higher consciousness. Yoga, astrology, Eastern and Western “paths” to this goal proved too slow for his ambitions and like many impetuous New Agers of today, he decided to accelerate the process by supplementing meditation with drugs [Mescaline] ( p.101the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow”)
Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels were Catholic in their background before they indulged themselves into a new spiritual worldview. Occult books were some of Hitler's favorite reading. It was in the early 1920’s Dietrich Eckart introduced Hitler to “The Secret Doctrine,” by Blavatsky. He was taught its secrets by Professor-General Karl Haushofer (Suster), who was a member of the Berlin Lodge of the Vril Society. One of the primary qualifications for one to be admitted to the Vril Society was to have a minimum ability in Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine.” Karl Haushofer was alleged to be a master of the secret doctrines espoused by Blavatsky, and it was he who initiated prisoner Adolf Hitler at Landsberg Prison.
In 1918, Haushofer went to live in Munich, which became a center of attraction for all manner of occultist and racist groups formed into secret societies. Haushofer eventually became one of the earliest members of the fledgling German Workers Party (DAP), which is the group that changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP or “Nazi”) when Hitler became its leader.
In 1918 (age 29) Hitler claimed to hear voices announcing that he was “selected by God to be Germany's messiah” (The Twisted Cross Joseph J. Carr, p.36); he was later contacted by an “ascended master” whom he identified as Lucifer. Hitler took what Blavatsky and others taught and made it his own.
Cumbey notes: “Hitler rightly believed he had established communication with Lucifer, from whom he openly coveted possession” (Secrets of the Rainbow p.101). It should not surprising to find that he was led to The Secret Doctrine that glorifies Lucifer
The “Secret Doctrine” held that they originated in Atlantis and that one of the seven Atlantean races was that of the Aryans.” the Aryans were the master-race or supermen of the Atlantean races.” The myth of Aryan superiority was the basis for Hitler’s Nazism and ethnic cleansing of the Jews.“…from theosophists Hitler derived his genesis theories and the notion of a mankind was guided by superior beings, Ubermenchen (supermen), who live in remote areas of the world-such as the Gobi Desert (Western China) and the Himalayan nation of Tibet. There was a substantial Tibetan and Chinese community in Berlin because of the occultic interests of German society, and Hitler augmented them with new émigrés after he came to power. By 1941, there were more than one thousand Tibetans living in Berlin” (The New World Religion by Gary Kah p.26).Hitler seemed to have favored Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine above other books he had. We do know that U.S. Army historians catalogued Hitler's personal library and found numerous Occultic volumes heavily annotated in Hitler's fancy handwriting. Among the books was one that Hitler often kept by his bedside, the occult standard “The Secret Doctrine” by Madame Helen P. Blavatsky (Kubizek). Hitler kept a copy of Blavatsky's 'The Secret Doctrine' by his bedside, ever since being introduced to its teachings by Dietrich Eckart and Karl Haushofer (Adolf Hitler, The Occult Messiah, Gerald Suster, 1981).
Blavatsky not only claimed these masters were directing the work of the Theosophical Society but were also guiding the evolution of the human race throughout history. Thus Hitler found his place in the grand scheme of these masters.
One of the ideas in this plan is to have men believe in evolution, spiritual evolution. Hitler wrote, “Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.”
“All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks] p.147, translated in The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean & Michel Angebert, p.178.)
It had been said that Hitler had a glimpse of that new man of which he described as intrepid and cruel.
Hitler did reference the Bible for much of his justification, covering up his seditious acts by his Catholicism. Never letting the public know about the Secret doctrine that he and his elite were actually following. It is an undeniable fact that numerous men that were into ancient mysteries and the occult played parts in Hitler’s transformation into leadership of Germany. It is a fact that Hitler and his occult associates found their inspiration from the same esoteric sources New Agers do today. That should make anyone pause and think- it did for me before I became a Christian.
It becomes apparent that was an influence to a few is now an influence to many. As Benjamin Crème the spokesman for the new age Christ states-”Through the doors of initiation the disciples will pass the halls of wisdom. And take their places as conscious servers of the plan. Thus will it be the great ones lead the new humanity into their destinies as sons of God” (the Millennium begins, Crème Jan/Feb,2000)
Today we have a déjà vu going on, except it is not from one country but a worldwide spiritual movement that will be hundreds of times worse than what we saw with Hitler. But it will be disguised as being the best for mankind and our hope for a peaceful harmonious solution.
The Maitreya Hitler connection
The Thule Society's Dietrich Eckart thought Hitler was Maitreya. The Thule Society (formed in 1914) was told in a séance that “Lord Maitreya” would soon make his appearance as a German messiah to “lead the Aryan race to final victory over the Jews.” Thule leader Dietrich Eckart was charged with the responsibility of 'nurturing' him (from The Twisted Cross, Joseph Carr, p.110).
Eckhart was to be the one to prepare the vessel of Lord Maitreya. When Hitler joined the Thule Society, member Dietrich Eckart prophesied that the day had come. Upon seeing Hitler for the first time he stated, Here is the one for whom I was but a prophet and forerunner. He began introducing him in Munich occult circles as “the long-awaited savior.” Eckart understood his role to be that of a forerunner, liken to John the Baptist (history has repeated itself with Benjamin Crème as the forerunner of Maitreya.)
Eckart had told Hitler that he was to prepare the vessel who would be inspired to conquer the world and lead the Aryan race to glory. Hitler saw himself as that man. But to get to his goal he would have to eliminate some key obstacles to this new millennium that He thought would be started. The Jews were to be eliminated, then the Christians. Hitler rebelled against God that he even changed the LORD'S PRAYER to read, Our Father, Adolph, who art on earth, Hallowed be thy name, the Third Reich come...”
On his death bed in 1923, he stated, “Follow Hitler! He will dance but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, open his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me I shall have influenced history more than any other. German.” Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf in his memory among others honored.
Hermann Göring was an early member of the Nazi party who founded the Gestapo; He too saw Hitler as a God send: “God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany”-Hermann Göring (“Hitler's Elite, Shocking Profiles of the Reich's Most Notorious Henchmen," Berkley Books, 1990).
Gerald Suster writes: You may ask, “did any of Hitler’s associates think he was demon possessed or is this all hype?” The answer is yes, they did think he was demon possessed!
Rauschning, one of Hitlers associates before he defected to the West, said “One cannot help but think of him as a medium...beyond any doubt Hitler was possessed by forces outside himself...”
(Gerald Suster, Hitler: The Occult Messiah).Huston Stuart Chamberlin was an English occult author who wrote, Key’s to Human History The rise and fall of races. He believed in a personal mystical connection to the pan-German movement. He spoke of Hitler as an awakener of souls, the vehicle of messianic powers. When we understand the search for superhuman psychic abilities which would form the Aryan race would be led by an enlightened master in that would initiate personal transformation, we can
He believed he was to bring in 1,000 years of peace to Germany; just as Jesus Christ will rule for 1,000 years, Hitler’s counterfeit plan was a 1,000-year Third Reich. Hitler had his 1,000 year plan, Islam wants the same.
Much of the church in Germany enjoined with Hitler’s new order as he promised “liberty for all religious denominations.” The German pastors joined his “German Christians” Faith Movement, believing in his unity and solutions for their country and world. An oath of allegiance to Hitler was to be signed by all pastors, and the exclusion of Jewish Christians by all churches- “One People, One Reich, One Faith.” Thus a cult leader extraordinaire was made to lead with the people’s approval. The majority were misled by the man with the plan.
His wartime speeches invoked being on God's side and his blessing:
1940: “We pray our Lord that He would continue to bless us in our battle for freedom . ..”
1941: “We believe we shall earn the blessing of the Supreme Leader... the Lord God has given His approval to our battle..”
1943: “We will continue to give our whole strength to our nation this year. Only then can we . . . pray to our Lord God, that He will help us as He always has . . . .”
As Hitler had a plan, so do the Ascended Masters who are called the Custodians of the Plan and supporters of the energies (demonic supernatural powers that counterfeit God’s) entering this planet will bring about the fulfillment of their Plan. Alice Bailey, in an address at the Arcane School Conference in Geneva, Switzerland stated that the “Shamballa force”-the force from the invisible dimensions led by the Lord Maitreya-will be “destructive.” She said it will also eject the unbelievers from the earth:
The decision to release the Shamballa force during this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one of the final and most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. The Shamballa force is destructive and ejective ... inspiring new understanding of The Plan....It is this force ... which will bring about that tremendous crisis, the initiation of the race into the mysteries of the ages.(Alice Bailey the Externalizing the Mysteries pt.1 p.171). Guess who the unbelievers are?
Constance Cumbey wrote about Alice Bailey's books, and the spirit communication through her by the “Tibetan Master DK,” who openly promoted the concept of Aryanism - a major doctrine of Hitler's Third Reich.
It was the theory of evolution that played an influence in Hitler’s Aryan superiority, as the master race was to eliminate the inferior races to establish his New World Order. Only the strong and chosen elite would survive in Hitler’s democratic spiritual government, by the time he was finished few would be left.
It becomes apparent that the New Age movement shares a number of ideas with Nazism, as they both have connections to those whom the plan originated from. New Agers do not accept Jesus’ unique claims that are recorded in the New Testament and find fault that the Jews did not either. Consider this statement from Alice Bailey on the failure of Judaism and the Jews' karmic debt from astrological influences: “Christ came to bring an end to the Jewish dispensation which should have climaxed and passed away as a religion... In the rejection of Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained symbolically and practically in the [astrological] sign of Aries, the Scapegoat [actually Aries is a ram, as noted elsewhere in this book, but the purpose for this “mistake” is self-evident]. [If they don't accept him in the person of Maitreya] they will repeat their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process. They rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert [making the golden calf at Sinai]; they did it again in Palestine 2000 years ago; will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them?” (Alice Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, p.81).
Many New Agers hold to similar concepts of the Occultists/ Theosophists that inspired Hitler. Marilyn Furgueson along with a panel of New Ager’s on the Oprah Winfrey Show (1997) stated that the Jews brought on their own holocaust; it was their karmic debt.
Warren Smith notes: In the last book in Walsch’s Conversations with God series, Home with God, Walsch’s “God” continues to glorify death. He also teaches that no one can die against their own will. In other words those who were killed by Hitler actually consented to the process! “You are the cause of your own death. This is always true, no matter where, or how, you die” -Neale Donald Walsch, Home with God: IN A LIFE THAT NEVER ENDS: A wondrous message of love in a final Conversation with God (New York: Atria Books, 2006), p.8.
It takes a belief system of equal value to rationalize the bad, even the worst activity of evil and blame it on peoples own initiative.
The Continuing Connection
One thing we can be assured of - HISTORY WILL OFTEN REPEAT ITSELF.
Today we have a new oppression that is like the Nazi's, through Islam. They believe their Messiah will also eliminate the Jews and Israel. Hitler would be well accepted and even rewarded by the Muslims that engage in their Jihad with the world today.
The world awoke too late to Nazi aggression; will it repeat itself and do the same for the aggressors of Islam and its goal to establish  a new caliphate? What happened in Germany will happen again, except this time it will be worldwide. The fact that so many are standing by with a ineffective attitude of hope that it will not happen again, that when it does, it will be too late.  I believe it already is. Though the Bible places the Antichrist (the false Messiah in place of the real one) in a future time called the tribulation, (which is not our current age), we should understand that the spirit that will unite people is already deep at work in preparation for his appearing.
Today, Islamic nations look for a leader, one that will unite and enforce Islam to fulfill its destiny. Islam’s leaders want a caliphate starting in the Middle East i.e. Iraq (Babylon or Jerusalem?). By their uniting they can then challenge the western civilization that has influenced the world contrary to their religion. Reading the Qur'an reinforces their ideology Sura 3:85  "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”
Muslim Shi'as believe that the Mahdi was born in 868 as Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali. The eleventh Shi'a Imam died in 874, his son Muhammad is believed to be the Imam, appointed by God, to lead the believers of the era. According to Shia teaching, Abul-Qassem Mohammad, the 12th leader descended from the Prophet Mohammed, disappeared in A.D. 941, he is still alive until his mission is accomplished. He will return (appear) at the end of time to lead an era of Islamic justice (note: there are several different dates given all within a few years of each other).
This Muslim Messiah is far more important than Jesus- He is their Messiah. Though the Mahdi is not mentioned in the Qur’an he is more important in Shi’ite teaching, both Sunnis and Shias believe him to be the ultimate saviour of humankind.
Hitler became a Messiah like figure to Germany by how and what he spoke. He presented it as a message of hope, it was to unify them and establish their authority in the world. But no one in history has become a Messiah figure without being known first- until now. Few have seen Maitreya and even less have seen the Mahdi. They believe that when the Mahdi reappears, he will bring justice to the world by establishing Islam. This is being used as a catalyst to bring them into unity.
“The saviour is already here and we simply have to look for the day when the circumstances are ripe for him to appear and begin his great mission. The Mahdi is no longer an idea. He is no longer a prophecy. We need not wait for his birth. He already exists actually and we only wait for the inauguration of his role. He is a specific entity living among us in his real human form and shares our hopes and disappointments and our joys and griefs. He witnesses all the acts of oppression and persecution which are perpetrated on the face of the earth and, somehow or another, he himself is affected by them. He is anxiously awaiting the moment when he will be able to extend his helping hand to everyone whom any wrong has been done and be able to eradicate injustice and oppression completely.”
“Although this Awaited Saviour is living among us, waiting for the appointed moment for his advent, yet he is ordained not to proclaim himself nor to disclose his identity”
(Who And What of The Mahdi The Awaited Saviour by  Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari )In a speech on November 16th 2006, President Ahmadinejad of Iran spoke of his belief in the return of the Twelfth Imam:              “Our revolution’s main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi,’ Ahmadinejad said in a speech to ‘Friday Prayers’ leaders from across the country.
Considering that Iran is modern day Persia (Iran) an ancient enemy of the Jewish people, threats against Israel and her people are consistently spoken daily It certainly seems history is repeating itself in the worst way.
The President of Iran’s speech is completely different to his own people in his own land than what he presented at the UN in (2006). “The wave of Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world,” and “You should acknowledge the right and might of the Iranian people and you should bow and surrender to the might of Iranian people. If you do not accept this, the Iranian people will force you to bow and surrender (cheers) [Memritv.org]
They believe the Mahdi will not only rule over the Islamic world, but over the non-Muslims.  The Mahdi will establish a new Islamic world order throughout the entire earth, an Islamic Caliphate.
The Qu’ran states “He (Allah) it is who sent his Apostle (Prophet Mohammad) with Guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam), that He might cause it to prevail (win) over all religions, though the Polytheists (Unbelievers) may be Averse'.' To an Islamist, there is no middle ground, (contrary to what the Bible says about Jesus and his followers being triumphant), you either are on the side of the winners or the losers, they being the winners in this battle for the world.
Himmler took a oath of loyalty to Hitler “I swear before God this holy oath, that I shall give absolute confidence to the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people. -Heinrich Himmler, this same oath was taken by all the SS  (Hitler's Elite, Shocking Profiles of the Reich's Most Notorious Henchmen,” Berkley Books, 1990).
When men follow other men without question it always ends up in disaster. Qur'an 48.10:Verily those who swear allegiance to you (Muhammad), indeed swear their allegiance to Allah.”
 Mein Kampf: 127: “With religious conviction…the bearers of the new doctrine must declare themselves ready and willing to fight.”
Mein Kampf: 676
"Spiritual terror...men must threaten and dominate men by compulsion. Compulsion is only broken by compulsion and terror by terror." though separated with nearly 1600 years Hitler echoed what Muhammad said.
Mein Kampf: 677 "This corrosive fight...for the new program and new view of life [religion] demands determined fighters...and a forceful fighting organization. The recipe for a favorable result requires the formulation of a declaration of war against all existing order [religions and doctrines], and against all existing conceptions of life in general."
It was the Nazis against the world. Just like Islam is today:  For Hitler they were called storm troopers, for Islam they are Jihadists.
In the Muslim Hadith-Bukhari on Mohammed: V9B87N127 “The Prophet said, ‘I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with terror.’”Bukhari: V4B52N220 Allah's Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.'"  And Mohammed was to fight the Jews and Christians first, and then the infidels. Qur’an 9:29: “Fight those who do not submit to Islam until they pay the tribute tax in abject humility.”   Mohammed said: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…” (Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6985)

On Palestinian Television they hear " as the prophet Muhammad said: "'The resurrection of the dead will not arrive until you will fight the Jews and kill them.”
Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority TV. Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris - May 2005 “Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew.” 
Article 7 of the Hamas Charter concludes with the Hadith quote: “The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them.”
We are told Islam means peace, yet there is more wars today in the name of the religion of Islam than any other religion or nation.
While Islam's propagandas has convinced a portion of the public it is a religion of peace, so will the false Messiahs program be one of peace, as he signs a peace treaty with Israel to end the conflicts.
Hitler defined peace as: “There will be peace when Aryans alone rule the world.” Does not Islam claim the same? Hitler justified atrocious acts against humanity to make the Third Reich the ruling civilization. Islamic militants today are intent to make the entire world surrender to Islam. In fact that is how Islam has peace, by other surrendering and submitting.
To Hitler peace meant to surrender to the sword- Mein Kampf: 599 “Our peace is not supported by the palm branches of a tearful pacifist and professional female mourner, but is founded by the victorious sword of a people of overlords which put the world into the service of a higher culture.”
Ibn Warraq writes: “The totalitarian nature of Islam ….is nowhere more apparent than in the concept of jihad, the holy war, whose ultimate aim is to conquer the entire world and submit it to the one true faith, to the law of Allah. To Islam alone has been granted the truth: there is no possibility of salvation outside it. It is the sacred duty-an incumbent religious duty established in the Koran and the traditions of all Muslims to bring Islam to all humanity. Jihad is a divine institution, enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam. Muslims must strive, fight, and kill in the name of God.
9.5-6: "Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them." (Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq p.218)
Qur’an 33:25: “Allah drove the disbelievers back...and helped  the believers in battle.... He terrorized the People of the Book so
 that you killed some and made many captive.”

Tabari IX:69He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for those
 who disbelieve, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us.”

Consider what Mohammed said and did and what Hitler said and did. It is not a coincidence that Mein Kampf is one of the top sellers among Muslims outside America?
Mein Kampf: 602 “The fight must be carried out with unshakable persistency. We must be compelled to fight for the Coming One. For the fighter’s lives belong to the State.”
There are many similar statements from Maitreya: “My Army is ready for battle, My Masters of wisdom and Myself at the head. That 'battle' will be fought for the continuance of man on this earth. Rest assured that my Army shall triumph” (Lord Maitreya, the New Age Christ")
  The fight was for God then and it is now “I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lords work” (Adolf Hitler, in a speech delivered at Reichstag, Berlin, 1936.)
“Christ could not possibly have been a Jew. It is not necessary to prove that scientifically-- it is a fact” -Joseph Goebbels, “Hitler’s Elite, shocking Profiles of the Reich’s Most Notorious Henchmen,” Berkley Books, 1990)
"...that Christ was a Jew are unworthy of us and certainly untrue historically.” (Heinrich Himmler, Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf, 28 June 1937: Berlin, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]The same denials are used today-Muslims claim that Jesus was not a Jew but a Muslim and there never was a temple in Jerusalem.
As Hitler detested the Jews whom God chose and loves, so do the Muslims “Some Muslims remained friends with the Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur’an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. From their mouths hatred has already shown itself and what they conceal is worse.”     As Hitler vilified the Jews so we find similarity with the instructions in the Qur’an. Sura 5.51: "Believers, do not take Jews or Christians as friends They are but one another's friends. If anyone of you takes them for his friends, then he is surely one of them. God will not guide evil-doers" (also Sura 47.4).
Hitler's servants, the Nazis’ thought that God was on their side. Their superior race was actually inferior in their humanity, ethics and morality. They lacked everything that would uphold and express the image of God in man. And so it is with the terrorists who think they are on God’s side pleasing him by their heinous acts of violence.
Some Muslim believe the Mahdi is to ride on a white horse, He will lead military action against all those who oppose him and invade many countries and bring absolute justice to the world. He is to be announced by a voice from heaven; (like Maitreya). Mohammed said: The Mahdi… will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36, Number 4272, Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri )
 Jesus is to appear along with him or after he rules. But their Jesus comes back quite differently We are told in Islam's “Hadith” that Jesus returns a second time as a Muslim. He proceeds to Jerusalem, where he participates in the morning Islamic worship on the Temple Mount with 400,000 Moslems. After this, he comes down from the Temple Mount, breaks all the crosses, destroys the churches of the Christians and the synagogues of the Jews. And on that day, all the Jews and Christians, the People of the Book, who have not converted to Islam, embraced Allah as God, and Mohammed as the greatest of all the prophets, will be put to the sword by Jesus the Moslem.
Germany was sold on a man who would lead them to a new era- in the future so will the world.
“This war was a religious war, finally one sees that clearly. A war between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, Christ and Antichrist. (Dietrich Eckart Auf gut deutsch (1919) [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich] How true these words were, unfortunately Eckart thought his darkness was light and found himself on the wrong side, the side of the losers.
Crème and the New Age movement claims that Maitreya is the Messiah of all religions. Islam claims their messiah will rule over all. Time will tell how this will coalesce but it is becoming clearer as things develop.