wtorek, 10 lipca 2012

Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation


The Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation view their postdenominational movement as the future face of the Protestant church and the end of denominations as we know them. Their ideology and "relational networks" have taken root in the block of 400 million independent charismatics, sometimes referred to as neo-charismatics or neo-Pentecostals. This is an often overlooked mega-block of Christianity that is larger than all Protestant denominations combined, according to world missions statisticians. Following is a resource directory for the NAR movement including: the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA); "prayer warrior" networks; educational, training and accreditation entities; and major campaigns such as the "Transformation" movies and organizations, and "Reclaiming the Seven Mountains of Culture." At the end of the directory is a partial list of the over 150 articles about the NAR posted at Talk2action.org over the the last three years.
The following directory provides a framework for understanding the movement and its impact on nations around the globe.


This resource directory is always available in the Special Focus box titled "New Apostolic Reformation." For easy reference, each entity is listed in bold and additional information for that entity is in the indented, shaded boxes.

Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

"The New Apostolic Reformation is an extraordinary work of God that began at the close of the twentieth century and continues on. It is, to a significant extent, changing the shape of the Protestant world."
-- C. Peter Wagner in the foreword to the 2001 edition of Ted Haggard's 1998 book,The Life Giving Church

Convening Apostle C. Peter Wagner

C. Peter Wagner is the major organizer and thinker behind the NAR. He was the convening or presiding Apostle over the International Coalition of Apostles. Wagner has impacted similar apostolic networks around the globe with his unique concept of "Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare." Wagner was an original executive of the  Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization (LCWE) as shown in his papers at the Billy Graham archives; head of the United Prayer Track of AD2000 and Beyond; a signer of the Coalition on Revival's 1986 Manifesto for the Christian Church; and taught Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary for thirty years. He announced the "second apostolic era" or "New Apostolic Reformation" as having begun in 2001. Wagner is now over 80 years old and is gradually handing over his leadership roles to other leading apostles.
For an overview of the NAR see this summary by one of Wagner's former students and an article that includes Wagner's own summary of the New Apostolic Reformation.

Global Harvest Ministries 

This is C. Peter and Doris Wagner's  personal para-church ministry and the legal parent entity of many of the other NAR organizations listed below including the ACEA, ACKW, EVAT, ICA, ISDM, and WLI.

ICA      The International Coalition of Apostles 

The ICA is the network of several hundred apostles in the U.S. and approximately 40 other nations formed by the convening apostle, C. Peter Wagner.  Each of these apostles has ministries under him/her, some hundreds or even thousands. The ICA has now gone behind a wall and this information can no longer be accessed by a non-member. Another entity called "Global Spheres," which list a directory of apostles, has been created and is under the apostolic authority of Chuck Pierce.

In 2008, when this Resource Directory was created, the following information was accurate.

This membership is under the leadership of Wagner, Presiding Apostle at large, Chuck Pierce and Doris Wagner, who serve as Vice Presidents, and Ambassadorial Apostle John Kelly.  In addition to these leaders, the  current council providing accountability is made up of the following apostles:  Naomi Dowdy, Ed Silvoso, Dennis Peacocke, Bill Hamon, Joseph Mattera, Ron Cottle, James Chosa, Dan Juster, Pat Francis, George Bakalov, John Eckhardt, and H. Daniel Wilson.

Ed Silvoso, from the above list, can be seen in Bruce Wilson's Transforming Uganda, documenting the New Apostolics role in Uganda's anti-gay bill.  Note that many significant ideological leaders  or "fathers" of the movement have their own networks and are not currently listed as apostles in the ICA, such as Rick Joyner of MorningStar Ministries, and Mike Bickle, head of IHOP (International House of Prayer), and model for 24/7 youth-oriented prayer houses and movements around the globe.  Bickle has served in the ACPE listed below.

ACPE      The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders 

The ACPE is an inner circle of about two to three dozen apostles which is sometimes posted in its entirety on on Elijah List, the website of ACPE member Steve Schultz.

The Elijah List also post prophecy proclamations as seen at this Elijah List posting.   The ACPE includes Mary Glazier who claims Sarah Palin as part of her spiritual warfare network, and Lou Engle, founder of The Call events including the November 1, 2008 San Diego stadium event in support of California's Prop Eight at which Engle demonized homosexuality and called for Christian martyrs for the cause.  Engle hosted  Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee in  "Rediscovering God in America" broadcast on GodTV in June and was a featured leader at the December 16 Prayer Cast event in D.C. against healthcare reform which included Jim DeMint, Sam Brownback, and Michelle Bachmann.

Spiritual Warfare Networks

The NAR structure includes networks in each state that were originally called "spiritual warfare networks", then changed to "strategic prayer networks," and then the Global Apostolic Prayer Network or USGAPN. Now there are three entities under the supervision of leading apostles.

National Governmental Prayer Alliance

This network is under the authority of Dutch Sheets and Robert Henderson 

 Dutch Sheets is Wagner's personal pastor and one of a small group of top leaders inheriting Wagner's roles. Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets wrote Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of the Nation about their joint fifty-state tour of the nation.   Activity and prophecies for different states are often included on the website of Chuck Pierce's Texas-based Glory of Zion ministry.

On January 7, 2009, Dutch Sheets spoke at Wasilla Assembly of God.  The video can be accessed here.  Scroll through the list of New Apostolic leaders that have spoken at Wasilla AOG this year to find Dutch Sheets.

 Unites States Prayer Reformation Network

Led by Cindy Jacobs head of Generals International with her husband Mike.  Jacobs is the top ranking woman apostle in the movement beside Wagner's wife, Doris.  Generals International also has prayer networks in Central Asia and Turkey.  

Link here to an example of a "prayer warrior" update from the New England Apostolic Prayer Network, which is part of the U.S. Prayer Reformation Network of Cindy Jacobs.  This update was sent January 7, 2010 and concerned the special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts.

Cindy Jacobs can be seen in Bruce Wilson's video documenting the New Apostolics role in Uganda's anti-gay bill.

Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN)

HAPN is under the apostolic authority of Apostle John Benefiel. The HAPN, based in Oklahoma, has list on the website of prayer networks by state.
More Information on Spiritual Warfare Networks

Following is a sample of Apostolic Prayer Networks which fall under the supervision of the above apostolic leaders.

GAPN - Georgia Global Apostolic Network
ORPN - Ohio Reformation Prayer Network
TXAPN - Texas Apostolic Prayer Network
MIPGAPN - Michigan Global Apostolic Network
IN APN - Indiana Global Apostolic Network
Louisiana Global Apostolic Prayer Network
Illinois Apostolic Prayer Network
Heartland Apostolic Network
FLRPN - Florida Refomation Prayer Network
Arkansas Apostolic Prayer Network
Pray Colorado
Power Grid Apostolic Network - Kansas
New England Apostolic Prayer Network
Missouri Prayer Global Mission
Pray New York
OAPN Oklahoma Apostolic Prayer Network

The "spiritual warfare" networks were used extensively in the 2008 presidential campaign to broadcast prophecy concerning Sarah Palin.  This is arguably the meaning of the Palin's references to thanking her "prayer warriors" in interviews with James Dobson and again with Christian Broadcast Network.

In 2006 Florida's Katherine Harris was taped in a controversial conference call praying that God would  "bring the hearts and minds of our Jewish brothers and sisters into alignment" in a taped telephone conference with Ken Malone.  Reporters identified him as head of Lighthouse World Outreach but failed to recognize that Malone was then the Florida coordinator for Wagner's U.S. Strategic Prayer Network, which illustrates how the movement has escaped notice.

Market Apostles

Also called workplace apostles, these leaders are considered one of the most important sectors of the movement.  While they emphasize evangelism in the workplace, the primary task of this division is taking "Christian dominion" over "the mountain" of business and finance.  (The 7-Mountain mandate is covered below.)
Os Hillman, based in Atlanta, is the head of the International Coalition of Workplace Ministries and  Market Leaders.   Os Hillman and marketplace leader Apostle Julius Oyet can be seen in Bruce Wilson's video documenting the New Apostolics role in Uganda's anti-gay bill.

Apostles are encouraged to merge ministry with business. Apostle Pat Francis of Ontario heads Kingdom Covenant Ministries which includes a communications corporation, Elomax Oil and Gas and Elomax Enterprises. She also serves as a United Nations (NGO) “Transformational Activist” according to her bio. Two other apostles from the UK and Australia run Markets Unlocked, a “kingdom company” and market matchmaking system. The Market Apostles work closely with the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) founded in 1985 and still led by founder Gunnar Olson of Sweden, member of the ICA Apostolic Council from 2004 - 2007.

Wagner teaches that once the work of market apostles has progressed, there will be a "great wealth transfer" from the ungodly to the godly which will facilitate the rapid expansion of the "kingdom." In this decree posted on the ministry site of Apostle James Goll, Wagner relates the formation of a 48 apostle council  to be in charge of overseeing the great wealth transfer.  The composition of this and other "kingdom wealth" groups* have not been made public but many related to these initiatives can be seen at Market Leaders, Church in the Workplace Conferences, and the Kingdom Economic Summit.  (View Kingdom Economic Summit videos.)
Leading teachers in this area include Ed Silvoso from Argentina/California,  Bruce Cook, Johnny Enlow and Pat Francis of Toronto.

Paid prayer intercessors for businesses is another growing field.
Other "kingdom wealth" groups mentioned in NAR media are the Apostolic Council for Kindom Wealth (ACKW), Zion Apostolic Council, and Hamilton Group.

ISDM International Society of Deliverance Ministries

This international network of deliverance ministries is headed by Bill and Janet Sudduth and developed from the ADRM roundtable. These ministries are for the purpose of expelling and repelling demons which are claimed to cause both physical and emotional problems.  Apostle Chris Hayworth heads an international network of deliverance ministries called Cleansing Streams Ministries which originated at Jack Hayford's Church on the Way.  Hayford maintains apostolic authority over that network.

EVAT The Eagle Vision Apostolic Team

This is a more secretive inner circle group whose membership is not advertised, although sometimes apostles will list their participation in this group in their ministry resumes.  For instance Apostle Naomi Dowdy is the Resident Apostle of Singapore and lists her EVAT membership in her ministry resume.  Dowdy spoke at Wasilla Assembly of God on November 4, 2009.
ACEA The Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability

The ACEA is Wagner's "creative alternative to accreditation" and is under the apostolic covering (or authority) of Leo Lawson.  The ACEA has no interest in secular accreditation which they see as a hindrance to their mission.

An ICA "honorary apostle for life," Ret. Col. Jim Ammerman, serves as a commissioner for the Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI) and as VP of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools. Ammerman is also head of the Full Gospel Chaplaincy which is one of the largest endorsing agencies for U.S. Military chaplains, and at the center of recent controversy due to his anti-government conspiracy theories and aggressive proselytizing within the military.

WLI Wagner Leadership Institute 

WLI includes over a dozen regional U.S. divisions and Wagner Leadership Institute Canada, UK, Asia, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Kenya, Mexico, and Rwanda.  The institutes issue diplomas including doctoral and feature courses on prophecy, faith healing, demon deliverance, and a division on finance and foreign exchange. WLI is now under the apostolic authority of Che Ahn. Wagner has recently announced that the WLI headquarters in Colorado Springs will be moving into the Jericho Center of Apostle Dick Eastman's Colorado branch of Every Home for Christ.
International Society of Healing Rooms

ICA Apostle Cal Pierce heads the International Society of Healing Rooms, an international network of faith-healing centers.
Link to the article Generational Curses, Deliverance Centers, and the "Kingdom" Health Care System.

Julius Oyet, who was recognized by the Parliament when the anti-gay legislation in Uganda was first introduced, heads the Uganda Healing Rooms under the apostolic covering of Cal Pierce.   Oyet can be seen in Bruce Wilson's Transforming Uganda documenting the New Apostolics role in Uganda's anti-gay bill and in the report by the New Apostolic Reformation Research Team. 

7-M or  Seven Mountains Mandate

The mandate for bringing the Kingdom of God to earth includes the "7-M" or Reclaiming the Seven Mountains of Culture initiative.  This campaign involves the taking of "dominion over seven key spheres of society which are government, arts and entertainment, media, education, family, religion, and business. 

The mountain of business is considered key to taking dominion over the others and much of the promotion of the 7-M is done by Market Apostles.  Os Hillman in Atlanta oversees this important segment of the movement and Lance Wallnau is one of its major motivational speakers, but Market Apostles are now also active in Africa, Asia, and South America, and Europe.
Julius Oyet, one of the major figures in the Ugandan anti-gay bill is a regular speaker at 7-M and "Church in the Workplace Conferences."   Lance Wallnau stresses stealth evangelism as seen in a June 7, 2009 speech at Wasilla Assembly of God in which he explains that infiltration is necessary before evangelization. (Scroll down through the list of internationally known New Apostolic speakers who have recently visited the Wasilla Assembly of God until you get to Lance Wallnau.)  He gives the example of Guatemala prison ministries where a toned down version of "Kingdom" worldview is taught for a full year before any attempt to convert the prisoners. 

Thomas Muthee, star of the first "Transformations" movie (see next section on the "Transformations,") talked about the 7-M campaign at Wasilla Assembly of God just prior to his anointing of Sarah Palin in 2005. Wagner's 2008  book Dominion!, How Kingdom Action Can Change the World emphasizes the use of  workplace apostles as the current crucial component to taking control over the other six mountains of culture.

Transformations Movie Series and Transformation Organizations

The Transformations series of movies produced by George Otis, Jr. and Sentinel Group promote the spiritual warfare and unorthodox evangelizing methodologies of NAR.  The series features prototypes of ethnic communities, cities, and nations claimed to be part of a wave of transformations in advance of the coming of the utopian "Kingdom" on earth. See trailers for the Transformations series of movies at Sentinel Media’s YouTube page.
"Transformations" has become the buzzword for the evangelization of entire communities and nations, and the series has spawned transformation entities all over the world including Transformation Associates and Ministries (Otis), Transform World (Luis Bush), International Transformation Network (Ed Silvoso and Francis Oda), and Transformations Africa.  The latter, headed by Graham Power, is the parent entity of the "Global Day of Prayer." 

 George Otis, Ed Silvoso,  Francis Oda, and Graham Power are featured in Bruce Wilson's video documenting the New Apostolics role in Uganda's anti-gay bill.  (Note that Francis Oda and Graham power are not identified in the video.  They are standing to the right of Allen Kagina, head of the Uganda Revenue Service in the last scene in the video.)

Following are Transformation organizations related to the NAR under the leadership of George Otis, Luis Bush, and Ed Silvoso and modeled after the “Transformations” series:

Transform Indiana
Transformation Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky
Prayer Transformation Ministries - Minnesota
Vision Orlando
Somebody Cares (Somebody Cares is a large charitable/emergency response/transformations entity, now with branches in Indonesia and Botswana.)
Transformation Hawaii (ITN Hawaii) now called Hawaii He’e Nalu
ITN Minnesota
ITN Hong Kong
ITN Northern California
ITN South Africa - Graham Power is head of ITN South Africa and also founder of the Global Day of Prayer.
Transform Brazil
Transform World Houston
Transform World India
Transforming Melbourne
Transform USA
Transformation Virginia
Transformation Traverse City Prayer Transformation Ministries Minnesota Scroll down to promo video on Transformation San Francisco event.
Transform North Carolina

Transformations networks work closely with political leaders.  For instance,  International Transformation Network's conferences have included the participation of Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni. President Yoweri Museveni and numerous other political and military leaders are featured in the Transformations movies. Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona of Hawaii has written and spoken for ITN and Hawaii Transformations.

Numerous "ecumenical" prayer and fasting movements, pastors` networks and city transformations groups fall under the domain of the apostles and draw in the unsuspecting from Protestant denominations and Roman Catholicism. The Transformations movies have played a significant role in the charismatic "renewal" movements which have divided the Mainline Protestant churches in the U.S., and this influence can clearly be seen in the Anglican renewal movements extensive ties to George Otis, Jr. and Alistair Petrie, the Canadian apostle whose role is bringing Episcopalians/Anglicans into charismatic or "Spirit-filled" belief.  The Transformations "franchises" have also played a role in attracting Roman Catholics in South American and other global Catholic populations to charismatic belief and partnership with the NAR and its agendas.  This is despite their  open demonization of Roman Catholicism which is claimed to be controlled by the "Queen of Heaven," a powerful demonic principality. See Killing Mother Teresa with their Prayers.

The Transformations feature  prototypes of locations around the world in which "Christian dominion" over government and societal structures supposedly produce mini-utopias where AIDS is miraculously cured, crime and corruption overcome, environmental degradation instantaneously reversed and vegetables grow to monstrous sizes.  They believe these claimed results can be repeated worldwide as the apostles and prophets of the movement bring the "kingdom of God" to earth.  Locations included in the movie series include the nations Uganda, Fiji, and cities of Cali, Colombia; Hemet, California, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Kiambu, Kenya; Almolonga, Guatemala; and more.  The movies demonstrate the use of spiritual mapping, spiritual warfare, and other unorthodox evangelization tools.  The emphasis is not on saving individual souls but expelling demons and taking control of territory or entire populations.  The most recent Transformations movie came out in October 2009 and features the Sao Paulo police force, which Otis claims has spiritually mapped the city.   Link to a  detailed report on the "Transformations" movies and resulting Transformations entities.

Christian Zionist Events and Organizations
Christian Zionism is another area increasingly dominated by  by the apostles and prophets, particularly at the international level.  The largest single Christian Zionists event in the world, the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), was co-founded by Jack Hayford (mentioned previously under the International Society of Deliverance Ministries) and Robert Stearns, and is endorsed by the Knesset's Christian Allies Caucus.   Stearns heads Eagles Wing's Ministry which manages the DPPJ, and he is also editor of Kairos, a popular apostolic and prophetic magazine which features top NAR apostles, although Stearns himself is not listed in the NAR's ICA directory.   Stearns' ministry events often include Chuck Pierce, the heir apparent to C. Peter Wagner's Global Harvest Ministries. 
Hayford, Stearns, and ICA apostles including Don Finto and Messianic Rabbi Dan Juster, provide coordination of support for the Messianic movement (Jews who convert but retain Jewish identity) in Israel and worldwide.  Hayford is founder of The King's Seminary which now has a charismatic Messianic division.   Stearns is also a director of John Hagee's Christians United for Israel, and although Hagee still teaches a dispensational theology, many of the other leaders of CUFI are major figures in the New Apostolic Reformation including Stephen Strang of Stang Communications and publisher of Charisma, who is an ICA apostle.

Don Finto led the prayer for Israel at Gov. Rick Perry's stadium prayer rally on August 6, 2011.